27.- 29. September 2024

Gans Anders Festival

baggersee Innsbruck

good to know

The festival takes place from the September 27th to September 29th 2024 at the Baggersee in Innsbruck. More information below.

Friday: 2pm – midnight
Saturday: 12 noon – midnight
Sunday: 12 noon – 10pm

Yes, this year you finally have the option to look up the line up as well as other useful information in a mobile app on Woov.
Link for download: https://woov.com/app


Unfortunately not, but you can get a sleepover possibility at montagu hostel in our Shop incuding a transfer to the festival.

Unfortunately, you are not allowed to bring your own drinks, but there is always the possibility to get free water.

Yes, the festival is organized and designed to conform to the criteria of GREEN EVENTS TIROL

Yes, we’d love to see you taking a swim as long as long as the sun is shining.

Yes, it is but some stages are on the lawn. That can be challenging with the wheel chair.  For detailed information please contact Dennis Übelhör at contact@gans-anders.com

Please contact Dennis Übelhör at contact@gans-anders.com

The Gans Anders Festival is a 18+ event. Please bring your id card. 

Nevertheless it is possible for parents to bring their kids. We even have  educationists who are organizing childcare with a program for the kids. They should not be much older than 12.

For more information, please look further down.

To keep the festival a safe space, the following items are prohibited:

  • No illegal or illicit substances, drugs, or drug paraphernalia
  • No weapons of any kind including, but not limited to, pocket knives and self-defense sprays
  • No flammable materials or liquids including aerosols and fireworks
  • No outside food or beverage including alcohol
  • No bottles, cans, canteens, flasks, or coolers
  • No opened over-the-counter medications or eye drops
  • No drones or unmanned aerial vehicles
  • No laser pens, laser pointers, or similar focused light devices
  • No confetti, streamers, or loose glitter (wearable cosmetics are acceptable)

To ensure your safety, bag and body checks will be conducted at the entrance. We appeal to you to bring as little luggage as possible and to leave bags and backpacks at home to facilitate entry and allow for a speedy arrival at the festival grounds.

An on-site first aid team is available at all times during the festival to provide first aid and, if necessary, take further measures.

We offer fair prices for food and drinks at the festival. We place importance on a balanced selection of delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes. Bringing your own food and drinks onto the festival grounds is not permitted

There is a strict ban on glass containers throughout the entire festival grounds. As the lake area is often walked on barefoot during the summer, no exceptions can be made in this area.

We have prepared special containers for waste separation. Please use them properly to help maintain a clean environment. If anyone litters by throwing cigarette butts or other trash, we will ask them to leave the festival grounds. We reserve the right to refuse entry, as environmental pollution will not be tolerated.

Unser Ziel ist es, das Gans Anders Festival für alle angenehm zu gestalten, daher erwarten wir ein respektvolles und bewusstes Miteinander. 

Respektiere persönliche Grenzen und befolge das Konsensprinzip (nur ein JA bedeutet JA). Psychische oder physische Gewalt sowie alle Formen von Diskriminierung (Sexismus, Rassismus, Ableismus, Homo- und Transphobie) sind streng verboten.

Das Gans Anders Festival ist ein Ort, an dem Jede*r willkommen ist und akzeptiert wird. Wir glauben, dass diese einfachen Grundsätze der Schlüssel zu einem respektvollen und toleranten Verhalten aller Teilnehmer*innen sind. Jeglicher Verstoß gegen die oben genannten Regeln und/oder diskriminierendes Verhalten führt zum Ausschluss vom Festival.

Falls du Gewalt oder Diskriminierung erlebst, gehe zum Awareness-Zelt, frag an der Bar nach “Luisa ist hier” oder wende dich an ein Mitglied des Festivalpersonals, um über deine Situation zu berichten und Hilfe zu erhalten. Das Awareness-Zelt findest du zwischen dem Food-Bereich und der Bühne “Bow Bow”.

Unfortunately, animals are not allowed on the premises of the lake area!

Tickets & cashless

No, unfortunately there is no possibility to swap your ticket.

Yes, we do have single day tickets available in our shop, limited to 250 tickets per day.

No. Personalizing the tickets is no longer necessary.

Each festival band has a chip that can be loaded with money. This chip can then be used to make purchases throughout the festival.

There is both the option to load the bands on site (with cash or card) and to load them online in advance.

Yes, there is a possibility to buy tickets at a cheaper price at our events.

As well as from February on, we also offer offline tickets in the following local venues: 

  • Bierfabrik
  • Canatur 
  • Die Diele
  • Montagu
  • Tribaun

You can do it via the NFC Tron app.  https://www.nfctron.com/at/#produkte

You can find a detailed instruction here: https://www.nfctron.com/at/blog/zurueckerhalten-gutschrift-simple-event-festival



From innsbruck, we recommend traveling by bike. it's possible to ride along the inn river from the city center to the lake area. There are several areas where you can lock up your bike. We have bicycle parking right at the entrance to the festival area as well as at the marked spot on the map.


We also recommend to travel by bus. The bus lines T, F, and R run directly from Innsbruck city center to the bus stop 'Innsbruck Baggersee'.
If you have a festival pass, you can use the public transport for free to get to the festival area. After the event ends, the buses depart every 15 minutes.

If you come from far away, please consider to travel by train or bus instead of using your car.


We kindly request an environmentally friendly arrival. If you still choose to arrive by car, it would be appreciated if you could consider carpooling. We don't provide any parking slots.

Green Event tirol

our event is organized under the criteria of the Green Event Association. Therefore we are recycling all our garbage. we are not using generators, we are providing environmental travel to the festival area and many more.

Where is gans anders

more informations

If you have any other questions feel free to send us an e-mail to contact@gans-anders.com