May 2021: Founding of Gans Anders
A group of friends decided to found Gans Anders in the process of apllying for a sponsorship of the government for outdoor events.
September 2021: Preparty Rapoldi Park
As a marketing measurement we organized a free party at the Rapoldi Park to heet up before the first Festival.
September 2021: First Gans Anders Festival
Even though there were lots of obstacles to overcome espacially with the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions as well as the founding of the Gans Anders GmbH, the Gans Anders Team suceeded to organizing a beautiful first version of the Gans Anders Festival.
December 2021: Planing of Synästhetika dogana
Due to stricter Covid regulations we had to cancel the idea of an indoor festival at the Dogana Hall in Innsbruck. The idea was to basically have a two day indoor festival which is the counterpart to the Gans Anders Festival in summer.
2022: Treibhaus concerts
As a cooperation between Gans Anders and Von der Haardt Booking Agency we organized multiple Concerts at Treibhaus. We were happy to organize events for Parra for Cuva, Fejka, Kerala Dust and many other artists.
Summer 2022: Archiv Partys
Together with the Eternal Collective we organized multiple Partys at the Orangerie and created a Pop Up Club called Archiv.
August 2022: Gans oder Kranich
As a pretty big Pre Party for the Gnas Anders Festival we organized the Gans oder Kranich Festival at the old Kranebitten Strandcafe.
September 2022: Gans Anders Festival
In 2023 the Gans Anders Festival took place at the Baggersee. There are multiple reason for this decision. First of all the better infrastructure, second the additional taxes for tickets which exist in Ampass and not in Innsbruck and third miscommunication with the owner of the old location.
October 2022: New headquarter at st. barlmä
The Gans Anders Team changed their Headquarter and moved into one of the halls of St. Bartlmä. This Headquarter was than quickly started to be used as a storage and workshop area. In addition the team strated to rebuild the hall to use it as an event area in the future.
November 2022: 7 new Shareholders
Because of the big loses after the second version of the Gans Anders Festival, a lot of money was missing. Therefore parts of the company were sold to friends to get the money back into the company and the Gans Anders GmbH had to take loans to stay alive.
Dezember 2022: Winterbasar
Together with Montagu we organized an alternative Christmas Market at the Bale. -
New Years Eve 2023: Theresienbräu
For new years eve Gans Anders had the chance to do one of the last parties at the old Theresienbräu before it got renovated.
Winter 2022/23: Bogansa
The cooperation between Bonanza and Gans Anders founded the event Bogansa which takes place at Seefeld Rosshütte and is developping to one of the biggest partys in the ountains around Innsbruck.
April 2023: Kellerkonzerte
Gans Anders organized one edition of the Kellerkonzerte. We were happy to host muito muito, ultramarineblau and jamera as well as some all star DJs from the Gans Anders team.
Mai 2023: Bogenfest
Because of our ongoing difficult financial situation we got the chance from the city marketing to host one stage at the Bogenfest together with die Bäckerei.
Mai 2023: Castle Rave
Also in Mai Gans Anders got invited by Bonanza to host the Jans Ganders Floor at the Castle Rave in Seefeld.
June 2023: First Party at St. Bartlmä
We organized the first Party at the new Gans Anders Headquarter at St. Bartlmä. With nearly 800 peole this event was a pretty good start.
July 2023: Concert at St. Bartlmä
Closly after the first party at St. Bartlmä we organized a concert for LBT Trio and Komfortrauschen.
July 2023: Balkonien
Together with Dachsbau we organized a party at the Tirol Panorama. Sadly this was one of the last parties we were able to do together with the Dachsbau.
September 2023: Gans Anders Festival
In September trhe third version of the Gans Anders Festival took place. This year was the first year everything worked out perfectly, except from the weather. Nevertheless the whole team was more than proud to be able to optimize every aspect. We were also able to earn enough money to invest into St. Bartlmä to get the project really going.
Dezember 2023: Verschubu
Together with the Verschubu collective we organized a fundraise for the SOS Balkanroute in the form of christmas market at the shared area at St. Bartlmä
Winter 2023/2024: Bogansa
Because of the good resonance at the success of the year before Bognasa went in the second round. As last year the events have been a big success and people really love it.